Our goal at Truth About Porn is to equip the public with up-to-date research surrounding the harmful effects of pornography. Many myths and misunderstandings surround this controversial topic, and the goal of this resources is to help individuals gather accurate information.
Our aim is to make the wider public aware of the ever-growing body of research studies being done on pornography by experts in neuroscience, addiction behaviors, couple relationships, mental health outcomes, and other areas of impact.
Pornography research is still a growing area of scientific study and as a result, new studies are continually being published. The Truth About Porn website will consistently be updated to reflect the current state of research on this topic.
Truth About Porn highlights research on pornography’s harmful effects by categorizing it in three ways; how pornography can impact individuals, relationships, and society.
The scientific community is exploring ways that pornography may impact individual wellbeing and functioning. This research involves studies on pornography compulsion, mental health outcomes, and body image concerns, as well as studies on sexual attitudes and behaviors.
Pornography greatly impacts people’s lives by influencing expectations regarding sexual templates and relationships. A growing number of studies are documenting the negative effects of pornography on relationship quality, satisfaction, and commitment; as well as increasing the likelihood of relationship conflict and breakup.
Enough evidence has validated the concern surrounding pornography and the ties it has to global issues, such as sexual violence and human sex trafficking, that it warrants a closer examination of how pornography and these wider societal trends are intertwined.